The Franciscan Store

“Colori Gioiosi” (Joyful Colors) Wooden Stretch Bracelet With Tau Cross

Price  $8.95

Wood Bead Tau Cross Bracelet

This handmade bracelet from Assisi features "Colori Gioiosi" or Joyful Colors wooden beads.  The stretch bracelet is finished off with a Tau Cross.

The Tau is an ancient representation of the cross.  It is also the last letter of the Hebrew alphabet and is thought to be the sign with which Ezekiel marked those chosen by God (Ex 9:4). St. Francis loved the meaning of the Tau so much he signed his letters with this symbol.  When a Franciscan friar wears a habit and stands with his hands outstretched, he becomes a Tau, a living Tau.  The Tau is a distinctive Franciscan symbol.

Made in Assisi.

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