The Franciscan Store
4 1/2" St. Francis Italian Silver Plaque
St. Francis Miro-Silver Plaque
4 1/2" High
This beautiful image of St. Francis holding birds is carefully crafted in Italy. The plaque is elegantly detailed and can either stand or hang.
The plaque is made of Italian miro-silver and designed and manufactured entirely in Italy. Each plaque uses the traditional manual processing of precious metals, including a layer of pure silver, and high quality materials. Miro-silver results in a brighter and more reflective finish that has better resistance to oxidation.
Our beloved St. Francis, founder of the Franciscans, is often depicted surrounded by animals, symbolizing his love for all of creation. St. Francis was inspired to live a life of poverty, humility, and joyfully bringing the gospel message to all people.
Feast Day - October 4
Patron saint of ecology, animals, and Italy.
Made in Italy.